Thursday, June 17, 2010

Don't Push The Big Red Button

Don't push it. You know you want to. See you in a few minutes if you can ever stop pushing your browser back button if you want to come back.

Do your kids push your big red button? Mine do. One in particular. I figured out that she is a lot like me. Shocker, I know. So how do you get out of that particular parent trap? Her behavior is similar to mine when I was a kid and I wasn't allowed to get away with that....sound familiar? What's a parent to do? First, understand your triggers and what to do with them by reading this article on dirt piles and emotional triggers. Second, assess if this is a battle you really want to fight. Really. Do you need to argue about string beans or red socks or who is right? Is it that cool to put one over on a 9 year old? Probably not. So take a deep breath, hike up those big girl panties (or big boy shorts) and don't wallow where your button pusher is trying to take you. Wait until they are calm and you are calm and then deal with the situation. What pushes your buttons?

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